Shows 2024

Swing into Spring- March 20th-23rd

Summer Spectacular June 12th-15th

Holiday Showcase September 25th-28th

Application below

Central Check Out

We are a Central Checkout boutique. All purchases go through the central register with 14% commission taken out of your check. The system tracks everything through your vendor number and we send out a check to you within 2 weeks of shows end date.


All vendors are required to provide your own tables, backdrop, shelving etc. You can use tables, book shelf's, ladders, chairs or whatever you can think of to make your display unique and easily shoppable. We are very tight on space, please do not go outside your designated space.

Sales Tax

Hobble Creek Barn Boutique collects and pays the sales tax during the boutique so you don't have to.


You may come at 9am each day before we open to restock your items. You may restock during business hours as long so you are not bringing in large boxes, bings or wagons.

Booth Space

We have multiple booth sizes. Outside booths spaces are also available. Prices range from $70-300. Booths may be split with approval. See application for sizes and prices.

Set Up/ Tear Down

Set up is always the day before the show starts. Set up goes from 10am to 8pm.

Tear down is always the last day of the show. We close at 6 but do not start tearing down until 6:30 to give customers enough time to finishing checking out. Tear down is from 6:30-9pm.

Security Shift

During each show, we require vendors to work one two-hour shift on the show floor. Helping us with security, welcoming customers, watching cameras etc. One shift per vendor number in the booth.

If you can not make a security shift work, you have an option of paying $25 for another vendor to do your shift.

Do I need to stay in my booth?

No, you do not. You may stay but keep in mind that unless your product requires you to be there you oftentimes do better if you are not there. We have noticed that customers are more likely to visit your booth when you are NOT there, they tend to not feel as much pressure and are more free to look and shop around.

Please read through all the details on our application and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Filling out this application in no way commits you to being in the shows, this application is just the first step to applying to become a vendor with Hobble Creek Barn Boutique

475 S. Main Street, Spanish Fork Ut

Located at the Spanish Fork Fairgrounds in the Ponderosa Building

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